
It’s All About the Small Stuff

In this episode of The Jamie J Podcast I get micro and talk about some of the “Small Stuff” in life and how by actioning on the small stuff you’re able to take massive strides forward and live the life or have the business you’ve always wanted!

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Desires and Your Vision

In today’s episode of The Jamie J Podcast I explore the powerful tool of visioning and discuss how you can achieve your desires by applying the three principles of leadership to make them your new reality.

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Commitment & Your Why

Welcome back! In this episode of the Jamie J Podcast I get super passionate about the connections between commitments and your why, and we discover the most important element to setting up your life and your business for complete success.

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In this episode of the Jamie J Podcast I talk about something that is very near and dear to my heart – Integrity. I share why it’s so important and why integrity is my absolute Modus Operandi.

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The Power of State

In this episode of the Jamie J Podcast I talk about the importance of state and the three key ingredients of how to create any state at any time!

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When work is no longer WORK!

In this episode of the Jamie J Podcast I celebrate a big announcement for the show and I discuss the topic of work no longer being work, rather something I look forward to, and how you can too.

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